Not all who wander are lost - WRITING #2

12:45 PM


Not all who wander are lost.

We travel because we need to, because distance and different are the secret to boost your creativity, to feed your brain cells. Because whenever we get home - she is still the same, she hasn't changed. However, something in our minds has changed though - we have grown up as persons, as individuals. And that changes everything. That changes your perspective about any current topic taking place in your life - it actually changes your whole perspective about anything. 

Believe it or not, it is your choice - but just try it and you will start noticing a different way of thinking, of creating. You will realize, soon enough, that your thoughts are becoming healthier, more positive. You will realize, soon enough, that you found a more chill way to face any trouble, any rough times in your life. 

Travel as much as you can, as much as your current possibilities allow you. You don't owe any explanation to anyone. Your life, your decisions - that is the only absolute truth you must hold onto. 

Travel as much as you can because money always returns, always. But you only live life once and you cannot make the same memories twice. 

Anna Williams.

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